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Getting Used To Being Active On Social Media
I consult a lot of professionals that aren’t used to being active on social media.
They want to build awareness and a personal brand but are triggered by any and all feedback they get.
“I’m getting people calling and asking me about my posts”
“Brad is getting more interactions than I am”
“I don’t like inspirational posts, I don’t want to sound cheesy”
Here is an example conversation I have with a couple of attorneys that I work with that are interested in building their brand.
???? People start to notice you. And it’s cool but also people you personally know notice and you feel compelled to explain or apologize for your new digital presence. ????
???? Brad has had more interactions, not because people like him more but because he already had a small established social presence on LinkedIn.
You want to be authentic but your authentic selves aren’t digital marketers or thought leaders (up until this point) ????????
???? You both said you don’t want to just post inspirational posts or quotes and you want everything you post to be polished and perfect, which is excellent but also NOT what people care about.
✅ Long-form (works well on LinkedIn)
✅ Personal (like a podcast)
✅ Vulnerable (makes people feel like they know your secrets, people are nosy)
✅ Non-posed work pic. (real-life)
✅ Shout-out and tagging significant other or partners (loving, personal, vulnerable)
✅ Referencing and recognizing a national holiday (people care)
✅ Using trending hashtags and news
???? The mistake we all make when posting is we try to post and talk to ourselves.
???? You’re NOT trying to sell your services to yourself.
???? You’re NOT trying to impress or entertain yourself.
???? You’re NOT trying to sell or entertain the friends or associates you already have.
✅ You’re trying to attract, connect, educate, and entertain new clients.
???? In your case your audience is NOT attorneys, they need an attorney.
???? People want to “feel” something when they read your posts.
???? I know personal, inspirational, or vulnerable posts make you feel cheesy as hell but when you’re trying to get others’ attention, it’s NOT about how it makes YOU feel.
❤️ You’re trying to make others feel good about themselves and remember you.
The goal when creating content is to find a medium that is appealing to your target audience but also doesn’t make you feel uncomfortable. Vanilla posts get vanilla reactions. ????
The first 90 days of building your social presence will seem weird because everything is new and new is uncomfortable.
And it isn’t easy but “The smartest people I know are building leverage by focusing nearly 100% on audience, community, and distribution in 2023.” –Justin Welsh ????